Našla sem simpatično stran, kjer so navodila, kako iz stare prevelike reklamne majice narediš luštno majico ali pa iz kosa blaga preprosto narediš frfutajoče krilo.. :) Ko bom imela malo več časa, bom sprobala kakšno od teh stvari.. -
Tole krilo bom pa sigurno poskusila naresti...
Potem pa sem na tFS našla predelano majico v obleko.. lahko sem bila samo brez besed.. :OO
A ni lepaaa?? joj, ko bi vsaj meni uspelo kaj takega skupaj spraviti :)
Ok, ker sem malo prestavljala omare v sobi sem jih morala izprazniti, da so bile lažje za premikati. Ob praznjenju omar sem odkrila veliko novih oblačil in ostale šare. Stran sem zmetala za par let revij (kozmo,elle,eva,..). Ponavadi mi je bilo vedno škoda stran vreči revijo, ko sem jo prebrala.. Potem sem jo pa dala v eno omaro, kjer imam tudi stare zvezke. Tega se je sedaj nabralo ogromno. Tako da mečem vse revije, ki so bile izdane pred letom 2009. Ja od letošnjih se ne morem ločiti, ker bi ene par sličic rada izrezala in jih prilepila na steno (ali pa to samo zato govorim, da mi en kup ostane.. ) :D Ne vem, zakaj kar pozabim na določene kose.. Vsakič, ko pospravim omaro načrtno oblačila zložim drugače notri, ker potem začnem nositi še druge stvari.. Nekaj kosov imam doma, ki bi jih morala malo predelati, pa bi izpadli super.. samo trenutno imamo pokvarjen šivalni stroj. Komaj čakam, da si z mami enega novega omisliva. Zelo si želim, da bi znal šivati "slepi šiv", potem imaš res veliko možnosti.. Sanjam o Elni... =)
No, tukaj pa je nekaj mojih "novih" stvari :D
žebljički: joj kako rada sem imela to zadevščino.. cele dneve sem nekaj ustvarjala.. :D
Ta torba je od mamine tete. Nikoli je še nisem nosila imam jo pa že pet let vsaj.. Je res ogromna.. Razmišljam da jo bom v kratkem uporabila, ker je res huda :)
Torbica. Stara 3 leta. Imela sem jo enkrat za na kavo :S Tudi te pikaste nisem uporabljala 2 leti.
Na to srčkano zadevščino za spat sem tudi čisto pozabila ;) Obeh majic nisem še nikoli nosila.. Evo to svileno oblekico mi je mami kupila 8 let navaj v Vezeninah Bled. Takrat mi je bila še čisto preširoka (takratnja moda), danes pa mi prav lepo pride (zgoraj oprijeta, potem pa zvončkasta). Nisem jo še nikoli oblekla, ker jo imam vedno pospravljeno v temnem kotu omare. Jo pa nameravam to poletje, ker je prav lepa. 5 let stara majčka - ko je imel Two Way še luštne stvari..
hlače "malo" na zvonec :DD hihi kakšna zapestnica :D
Ok za danes imam dosti pospravljanja, ker sem spet v taki volji, da nobene stvari nočem vreči strani.. Vsaka stvar mi nekaj pomeni, za vse mislim, da bom še kdaj rabila.. Prav smotana sem..
Najboljša stvar mi je nakupovanje raznih najlonk,... Lahko si jih privoščim ko sem brez denarja + nimam slabe vesti, da sem spet zapravljala za oblačila, ker najlonke pač niso oblačilo, ampak so potrošni material, ki se ge vedno rabi. :D Naprimer: Zelo sem si želela imeti kakšen kos oblačila rumene barve (tiste no, rumenjakasto rumene, ki je bila nekaj časa nazaj povsod..), in ker sem bila brez keša sem si kupila rumene nogavičke (4€), she lak za nohte (1,5€), čez par dni pa še šal (5€). Uhančke v tej barvi sem pa že imela ;). Na rjava in temno modra oblačila je potem vse skupaj res izpadlo zelo lepo.. Tako, da se mi je zdelo sploh preveč, da bi si res kupovala naprimer kakšen pulover te barve.. Še posebno jih je zabavno nakupovati v calzedonii, kjer imajo res ugodne in lepe/izvirne modele nogavičk. Nekaj mi je udarilo na vijolično pri nogavičkah :))
evo.. idealne nogavičke za salonarje, ki so že kar nekaj časa na moji Wl (beš lakasti brez vsakršne špangice/ostalih čudaških dodatkov na čevljih) iii.. te nogavičke so mi pa nekaj najlepšega. Se spomnite, da so imeli kakšno leto ali dve nazaj isti model legic, le da v beš barvi... Notri so bile tudi nekakšne svetleče nitke, tako kot tukaj.. Joooj še danes mi je žal, da jih nisem vzela.. No, mogoče bom pa letos te kupila.. No ja, pri tej sliki sem pa pomoje bolj gledala te čudovite sandale, kot pa nogavice... Joooj komaj čakam, da naše trgovine dobijo kakšne lepe sandale s platformo.. tako si jih želim no, pa beš lakaste navadne salonarje tudi.. zelo :) Imate kakšno idejo, kje jih najti? malo sem že spustila kriterij, tako da sploh ni več treba, da so lakasti. Samo da so pač navadni nude salonarji.. :)
Gleda kdo? Sama sem si morala spet nekaj izbrati, ker so skoraj vse serije, ki jih gledam šle h koncu ali pa imajo na vsake dva dela en mesec pavze (gossip girl) ali pa imajo že par mesecev pavzo (pb, 90210,.....)
Torej. Gre za dokaj novo serijo. Trenutno je zunaj sedem delov. V ameriki izhaja v petkih, se pravi si jo pri nas lahko snamemo dol v soboto. Evo, tukaj je kratek promo:
Serija je pod okriljem fox-a, dobro da ni od nbc-ja, ker bi jo sigurno zelo kmalu skenslali tako kot lipstick jungle (grrrrrr) =)
Punca, ki igra Echo je Eliza Dushku (na sliki). Kar luštna punca :) Kratka obnova serije: Echo je mlada ženska, ki je dobesedno fantazija vsakega človeka. Je ena iz skupine moških in žensk, katerim lahko vstavljajo (s posebnimi napravami) spomine različnih ljudi, vključno s spominom, sposobnostmi (lahko ti npr. vkodirajo tudi astmo.. :O ), zato da jih potem uporabljajo za različne naloge. Naloge so lahko romantične, ilegalne, avanturistične,... V trenutkih ko te osebe nimajo "naprintanih" določenih lastnosti imajo Echo in ostali praktično prazno glavo.. Takrat živijo v futurističnem laboratoriju imenovanem Dollhouse (hiša lutk).
Ja, na žalost. Ni več ugibanj o tem ali bo serija še imela nadaljevanja ali ne. Uradno je konec.. :(( Najbolje da skenslajo vse dobre serije in ustvarjajo še več bednih/neumnih/idiotskih/... reality showov. vir vir1
btw: Oboževalke Kirbya--> sedaj igra v seriji Privileged. :))))
So for those of you who do not know, the Hollywood Bowl is at the location for the 7th Annual Korea Times Music Festival featuring some of the hottest Korean groups. Past artists include, Super Junior, DBSK, Epik High, Lee Hyori, Fly to the Sky, Chae Yeon, JYP, Big Bang, Ivy, Lee Seung Gi, and even our overseas hopefuls Rain, BoA, and Seven.
As of now, the event organizers have announced that Girls’ Generation, Lee Juk, Lena Park, Kim Changwan Band, and Son Ho Young (who will not only perform but MC as well) will be in the lineup this year. The bigger names will be released sometime in March.
The Korea Times presents the 7th annual Korean Music Festival to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of the Korean American immigration into the United States.
1) Online via Website KOREA TIMES MUSIC FESTIVAL (There is a Service Charge)
2) Phone via Korea Times (LA): 323.692.2055 | 323.692.2068 | 323.692.2070 (There is a Service Charge)
3) Walk In (The Office will be Open this Saturday at 10:00am) (There is no Service Charge)
more details at the official korean music festival site click here!
yay so it's official! HB is gonna rock ur socks this year!! it's gonna be SS501(all 5 of them!) and shinee and girl's generation(SNSD) LOL lots of GEE GEE huhuhuh:)) now that i think about not that sure about DBSK attending HB this year ...because of their busy schedule promoting their 4th japanese album at the hmm dunno..but there's still a keep ur fingers crossed...remember last year?there were also last minute changings so...we can still hope^^
Sama sem že nekaj let obsedena s parfumi. Vedno, ko so me mami/sestra/fant vprašali, kaj bi rada za rojstni dan, je bil odgovor parfum. Ko sem si kaj privoščila za dušo, je bil to parfum.. Zadnje čase sem se malo umirila.. Zadnji, ki sem ga kupila je bil Kenzo-Amour konec lanskega leta. Pa še to zato, ker je bil nenormalno znižan (50ml- 25€), ker so se drogerije Watsons po celi sloveniji zapirale. :) Na vsak vonj me vežejo določeni spomini, zato nikoli ne porabim celega parfuma, ampak ga vsaj en cm pustim. Nekateri me spominjajo na poletje in na cele večere žuranja, nekateri me spominjajo na dneve, ko sem se veliko učila, nekateri na sneg,... Hranim jih v temnem delu omare, da se ne bi pokvarili. Zaenkrat še nisem opazila, da bi kateri spremenil vonj.. Upam, da do tega tudi ne bo prišlo, ker bi res rada ohranila vse vonje in z njimi tudi spomine.. :) Ponavadi izberem parfum glede na vreme, počutje, oblačilo.. Vem, to je malo čudaško, a nisem edina :D Moja zbirka:
Te uporabljam večino časa
Tudi te uporabljam kar veliko. Od jlo parfumi so mi zelo všečni. Še posebej ta na sredini (miami glow), samo ga ne delajo več :( Všeč mi je tudi to, da so zelo obstojni.. Ah poletne escade.. lepi časi :)) Testerčki ;)
ShinAe from famous couple AlSin(we got married) got married for real!
Alex congratulates ShinAe on marriage, Wednesday March 25, 2009 Korea
Singer Alex wrote on a post on his own Cyworld minihompy on 24th March with the title ‘Congratulation ^^’.
He was referring to his made-believe wife ShinAe in MBC variety show We Got Married on her marriage.alshin_250309_2
He attached a picture of a heart on a plate in the post and wrote, “From now, it is to you guys to do some great cooking. To walk together. To get tired together. To sleep and wake up with that person together. This is so beautiful. Congratulations.”
looks like it's not "Yeeh!" her real answer:( i really hoped AT LEAST one of the first 4 couples from WGM to be togheter for real in the end:( looks usual i'm getting dissapointed in the end.
sweet memories...i'm sure there were some real feelings even just for a short time when they filmed the reality show...or at least i hope I really hate fake people
SinAe happy or faking it for the photoshoot? oh well..anyways u know what they say..."the purpose excuses the ways".I heard that she married in a short nottice because her father was really sick,and i guess she wanted him to see her accomplished...
see?he really is happy by her side:) well looks like we know now to whom were adressed those lovely words from miyavi's myspace profile:
"Let's escape from this fuckin' boring world Hold on to me and Don't let go,k? Our bright future is right here"
I'm really happy he found his way,his happiness.Congrats for the wedding and for the upcomming baby! May ur life and marriage be blessed and please ignore the bad rumors.People seriously need to stop bashing him and his wife.I read so so many ugly and mean comments,even some threatenings to his wife...what's wrong with u people??If u really love him,be happy for him!
Recent reports say J-rocker Miyavi and retired J-pop singer Melody have gotten married. A Tokyograph article sports the nuptial ceremony as a private gathering attended by their closest inner clique. So far Miyavi has used his myspace blog to air his apologies about not being able to announce the news himself. Melody, who was born in the US, is one of the most celebrated singers in Japan. Last fall she announced she would leave her musical career to concentrate on creating her own clothing line. Few fans of these artists have expressed disappointment in not knowing about any previous engagement. However, there are scandalous rumors circulating that Melody is currently pregnant.
this is not a pic from his wedding!
Miyavi has said he will make an announcement about these issues at his upcoming concert in Tokyo on April 5th. He will also be playing the USA for Anime Matsuri during the second weekend of April in Houston, Texas.
the official blog post from miyavi's myspace profile:
Saturday, March 28, 2009 6:49 AM
Current mood: impatient
Thank you for your sweet sweet messages.
First of all, let me apologize that I couldn't announce it myself before the news came out.
But I still can't say anything for certain reasons. What i wanna yell out for now is...
Who the fuck would wanna hide some thing important for him from his fans who love him ? Who the fuck wouldn't wanna share some thing happy with his fans who are supporting him? Who the fuck would wanna on purposely betray the fans he loves? Who the fuck would wanna make his fans sad like this?
You know I wouldn't.
What the fuck can I believe ? Who the fuck can I trust ?
Where the fuck is love?
But I know that what happened is all my responsibility. And I'm fuckin' stressed that I can't explain anything in japanese right now.
But I will make an announcement for sure.
Whether you believe me or not, I'll keep saying I LOVE YOU no matter what.
now i'm starting to see more and more clear his blog entries from myspace
P.S:Yes i have him on my friend's list
take this one for example...i think he was trying to prepare his fans for the BIG NEWS:
Somewhere, some ppl r celebrating for their bright & hopeful future. Somewhere, some terrorists and some government r still conflicting. And somewhere, some artist is thinking abt his lovely fans while he's being quiet. "
or...[and he posted a gif. with a baby saying :"Daddy,milk!"
the pictures are taken from his myspace also this capture:
"anyway this iz my hair stylist's second daughter !! isnt she freakin adorable????????????? she totally knocked me out ..."
as you can see he always loved kids ^^
Profile Name: Melody Saimo D.O.B: February 24 1982 Birthplace: Hawaii,U.S Age: 28 Bloodtype: O Quick Facts
hehe they both love the sea^^
She began her career in Japanese music in 2003
Her songs have been featured in many Japanese commercials ranging from videogames to automobiles
Her first single, Sincerely become a major hit, reaching third spot on the Oricon charts
One of her most successful singles "realize" was featured in the J-dorama Dragonzakura
She had her first solo music tour in 2006
Interesting Facts
She was raised by Japanese parent in Hawaii so she can speak English and Japanese fluently
She's the VJ for a new Japanese music show called J-MELO
J-MELO is recorded completely English and is about introducing J-music to the world
sexy much? oh he's gonna be a smeexi daddy that's for sure ^^
well what can i say?congrats for the couples
TVXQ in Guinness World Record second time!
Idol group TVXQ put its name on the Guinness World Record Book for the second time. The super hot quintet was listed in the world record book as the most photographed celebrity in the world. From the day of their debut to March 19, 2009, the five members are estimated to have been photographed about 500 million times in magazines, albums jackets, and commercials, etc. The total figure includes individual photos as well as group pictures.
This is the second time that TVXQ made it in the Guinness World Record Book, following the one in 2008 for having the largest official fan club. Cassiopeia, the male band’s official fan club claimed of having more than 800 thousand members.
ss501 is coming to hollywood..
dasndjbawf i want back to hollywood NAO!!!!! Lelis pack ur bags!!! oh wait i forgot..our visa expired:((( wahhhhh TT_TT
New! Must Read! SS501 is going to be at HOLLYWOOD BOWL CONCERT taking place on May 9, 2009. IT WILL HAVE ALL 5 MEMBERS PERFORMING!! ^^ lets go support the boys so they keep coming back to the U.S
Directions/Time/Etc.. Host: We Love SS501!!! Type: Music/Arts - Concert Network: Global Start Time: Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 6:25pm End Time: Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 9:25pm Location: 2301 North Highland Ave., Hollywood, CA 90078 City/Town: Hollywood, CA
u can buy ticket on this website : 11