Moisturize & Seal

For all the ladies out there that religiously moisturize and seal their hair twice a day, I commend you. In all honesty, I don't have time for that. Maybe I might be able to squeeze out the time for it, but I'd rather not. Truth be told, I have to fight with myself every time I'm about to go to bed (notice I didn't say at night) to remove whatever makeup and/or dirt and grim that's on my face before I hit the pillow. My schedule gets a little crazy, especially since I'm a nurse and I do not work "normal" hours, so to remove the makeup, apply the moisturizer to my face and lips, all after I brush my teeth and clean my invisalign braces AND THEN divide my hair into sections to moisturize and seal each one? Twice a day?!? I just can't be bothered. There is a reason this blog is called the Anti Hair Slave. I can aim to do it once a day in the name of healthy hair, but even then I end up moisturizing and seal every other day.

So ladies, I ask you, do you moisturize and seal twice a day and how long is your hair?