She tells her children to do as she says and not as she does.
But the words of mother of 14 Joanne Watson – who receives more than £2,000 a month in state handouts – have fallen on deaf ears.
Her 15-year-old daughter Mariah is pregnant, the father has ‘left the scene’, and the youngster is about to start living off benefits.
Mrs Watson, 40, is raising her giant brood alone after parting from her husband John, 46, three years ago, and breaking up with subsequent partner Craig le Sauvage, 35, last year.
Despite this, she has still managed to squirrel away enough cash for a £1,600 breast enhancement and a sunbed. She claims she has always encouraged her daughters to use contraception – but, inevitably, it seems they would rather follow the family tradition.
Mariah’s pregnancy comes after Mrs Watson’s oldest daughter Natasha, 22, got pregnant with her son Branford, now six, when she was 16. Her second eldest daughter Shanice, 19, also got pregnant at 16 with her 22-month-old son Marley.
Mariah says she has no concerns about becoming a teenage mother, as it seems the most natural thing in the world. Initially, she and her child will be supported by the taxpayer.
She is expected to move into a housing complex for single mothers and will receive supplementary benefit and child allowance for her baby.
The youngster, who is due to have a boy, said: ‘I’m not nervous. I’ve been around babies my whole life so I know what to expect and that I can handle it. The father isn’t involved and I don’t want him to be either. I’m really excited and think I will be a great mum.’
Mrs Watson, who had her first child at 18, said: ‘Of course no one wants their teenage daughters to get pregnant.
‘I’ve always urged them to use contraception – but if they refuse to there’s not much I can do about it. But I don’t believe in abortions, and Mariah wanted to have the baby, so now I just have to do my best to support her.
Pregnant at 15, daughter of Britain's most prolific single mother (And, of course, she's on benefits - just like mum)
source: dailymail