Making home safer for the puppies

Getting home a new puppy is a important decision that comes with lot of considerations and bit of responsiblity too. There are several things u should take into consideration before bringing home a new puppy. One of them and animportant one is to take time and look around your home both inside and outside for anything that can potentially harm your future little puppy.

Inside home

The best way to do do this job is be a pup urself, get down on four legs on floor, and look at the house from pups eyes. Pups are just like small children and like to explore the world around them, toying with things and puting things in mouth. While they are teething they just grab hold of everything they get to. Just make sure there are no small objects that are liable to choking hazard. The luring objects like candles, pillows, shoes, stationary out of reach of the pup.
Take a look around for the electrical appliances that can prove dangerous. Check for the electrical wires, make sure none is exposed. Hide the wires behind the furniture so that pup wont get to them. because if they are open to him, pup will gladly enjoy chewing them all the time. So if u cant hide them, try to discourage pup to chew them by spraying them with bitter apple or wrpping them in aluminium foils. Your vet can give u some other ideas too.
There are some specific food items which should never be fed to a pup like grapes, raisins, n chocolate. Your child might try to feed it some of these items, so teach your child not to feed such things and if chold insists then tell him to feed the proper dog food or biscuits.
Most importantly you should always monitor ur pup or have someone to look over him all the time. A horrible situation would be when theres no one home an dpup is set loose. So while going out restrict it to some safe room where u have setup everthing for his needs and then go out. Its just like your 2 year old baby, you wont leave it alone running all over when u go out. Same goes with the puppy.

Outside yard.

Most hazardous object for your pup in your yard could be the trees and the bushes. Unbelievable really, you might never have thought about it. As puppies will get attracted to twigs and leaves by instinct to examine them. Some of them can be very dangerous to your puppies helath. So do an study of what type of bushes you have in our yard and check weather they are safe or not for your pup. If you find then dangerrous replace them with safe ones. Always avoid thorny bushes.
Do some examinaton task of the yard. Other thread would be that your pup might escape through yard and might stray. So examine the fence check theres no escape for pup. Check it for the height so that pup sould not jump over it. Even check the loose boards in the fence through which your crafty puppy might escape. Check the gate and the latch.
Check there are no chemicals like fertilizers or weed killers. If there are keep them safe out of reach probably in stire house. Also check for sharp objects like gardening tools and keep them properly.
Again getting down on four and thinking like a pup will definatey help you exmine it. You can spot the future problems before your pup arrives and can avid the mishaps later on. Just look around for what can cause danger to the pup let it be the object you have never thought about.
So making the environment safe will sure help avoiding later problems and your pup can stay safe and sound.